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What’s Your Excuse?

What’s Your Excuse?

In this sermon, we’re encouraged to invite others to get ready for Jesus’ feast. We’re also encouraged to reach out to the less fortunate and help them prepare for the party, and to do the things that are necessary for us to be prepared for the party.

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Walking in Integrity

Walking in Integrity

In this sermon, we are challenged to allow our faith in God to convict us and to bring about a change in our lives. We are also reminded that God gives us a chance to do better in our lives.

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Left Behind Too Late

Left Behind Too Late

Instead of worrying about obtaining riches and satisfaction on earth, we must work on preparing our souls for His return. We must seek salvation so when Jesus comes back, we can meet Him in the air.

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Let’s Go Fishing

Let’s Go Fishing

God has called on everyone, not just preachers, to be a “fisher of men”. It is a Christian’s responsibility to share the Gospel and win more souls to Christ.

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His Unfailing Love

His Unfailing Love

God’s love for us is everlasting and unfailing. No matter what we do. No matter how we look. No matter who we are. God still loves us.

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Unfailing Love

Unfailing Love

In this message, Evangelist Stacy Smith reminds us that God is able to fix whatever is broken in our lives. What we must do is let God in and and go to Him in times of trouble.

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Count the Cost, and Pay the Price

Count the Cost, and Pay the Price

Do you know what it cost you to follow Christ? In this sermon, we learn why it’s important to follow Jesus. But, doing so won’t be easy. We say that we are willing to follow Him, but do you understand what it will take? We learn what it will take to follow Jesus no matter what goes on in our lives.

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Jesus Is the Way

Jesus Is the Way

Jesus is the only way to eternal life. In this message, we learn that there is no other way to get to Heaven unless we go through God’s son, Jesus.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the light.

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When You Pray, part 2:  Thy Kingdom Come

When You Pray, part 2: Thy Kingdom Come

In this follow up message in the When You Pray series, we get an understanding of what that line in the model prayer is about. Some of the things we learn are how to treat others as we live here on Earth, how difficult circumstances are used to empower us through Christ, and why it’s important to spread the Gospel.

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The Best is Yet to Come

The Best is Yet to Come

The best is yet to come… Jesus is coming back! But, are you ready for when he comes back? In this sermon, we’re taught what it takes to get our souls ready for Jesus’ return so that we can meet Him in the middle of the air and spend the rest of our lives with Him.

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A Test of Love

A Test of Love

God sometimes places us in a situation to test our Love. He’s done this several times in the Bible, such as with Abraham. He’s also done this with His only Son, Jesus. It is our responsibility to evaluate ourselves in those situations and make sure that we are acting in the God-like Love that He has instructed us to do.

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High Expectations

High Expectations

God has a high expectation of us. There are three expectations God has for us. He expects us to be saved, obedient, and filled with the Holy Spirit. In this message, we learn that if we meet His expectations, He will bless us.

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What is Your Soul Worth?

What is Your Soul Worth?

What will you give in exchange for your soul? What are you investing in? Are you investing your wealth into the things of this world to get an advantage? Or, are you investing in things that are spiritual that can further the ministry of Jesus Christ? When our time is...

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When Your Faith Goes South

When Your Faith Goes South

Abraham is a wonderful role model to look at when we reach a point in our lives that we feel that our faith to go south... to dwindle and disappear. We have to learn how to walk by faith and believe that God has us, no matter how bad things get in our lives. He'll...

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A Spiritual Transformation

A Spiritual Transformation

(Devotional reading came from Psalms 62) Christians are a new breed. When we become Christians we become something brand new. That's because we've accepted Christ to come into our lives to change us and to change the world around us. But, God will not force us to...

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