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What’s Your Excuse?

What’s Your Excuse?

In this sermon, we’re encouraged to invite others to get ready for Jesus’ feast. We’re also encouraged to reach out to the less fortunate and help them prepare for the party, and to do the things that are necessary for us to be prepared for the party.

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Are You Ready to Die?

Are You Ready to Die?

In this sermon, we discuss death and how the Bible addresses those questions.  We’re also reminded what the purpose of Hell is and how we can avoid it by believing in Jesus as our one and true savior.

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What To Do While Waiting On The Lord

What To Do While Waiting On The Lord

In this sermon, we are focusing on the story of Jesus being tempted by Satan following His baptism.  Jesus used his faith and patience to defeat the enemy.  We are reminded to do the same.  We must be patient and wait on the Lord to work in our lives.

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Just Ask Jesus

Just Ask Jesus

Christians should always remember to ask Jesus first before making a decision.  It’s also important to ask Jesus if there is something we need Him to do in our lives. In this sermon, we’re reminding why it’s important to have a prayer life.  We must always be praying and asking God to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us on the right path.

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Did You Miss Christmas?

Did You Miss Christmas?

Christmas time is when many of us give gifts to our loved ones. But, sometimes Christians can get so wrapped up in the secular celebration that they forget to give Christ something. In this sermon, we are reminded of the true reason for the season.

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Torn and Broken, but Not Defeated

Torn and Broken, but Not Defeated

In this sermon, we are reassured that even after we go through a painful moment in our lives, it’s not the end. It may leave us feeling defeated and broken, but it is not the end. We are not defeated.

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Left Behind Too Late

Left Behind Too Late

Instead of worrying about obtaining riches and satisfaction on earth, we must work on preparing our souls for His return. We must seek salvation so when Jesus comes back, we can meet Him in the air.

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Let’s Go Fishing

Let’s Go Fishing

God has called on everyone, not just preachers, to be a “fisher of men”. It is a Christian’s responsibility to share the Gospel and win more souls to Christ.

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Nobody Like Him

Nobody Like Him

In this sermon, we learn about the love story between Christ and His followers. We learn that we must fall in love with Christ. We must desire to be around Him. Why? Because, there is nobody like Him.

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Religious, but Lost

Religious, but Lost

Do you have doubts about your salvation? In this sermon, we learn why it is not enough. We must always be on guard against Satan’s attacks by staying connected to God, His Word, and the Holy Spirit. We also must be willing to help those who are “the least among us.”

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Where Are the Nine?

Where Are the Nine?

Don't take Jesus for granted. In this sermon, we look at the story of Jesus who healed 10 men with leprosy, but only one came back to Jesus and thanked Him. When we sin, our souls can get dirty. But, Jesus steps in to clean us of our sins. However, sometimes we take...

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Count the Cost, and Pay the Price

Count the Cost, and Pay the Price

Do you know what it cost you to follow Christ? In this sermon, we learn why it’s important to follow Jesus. But, doing so won’t be easy. We say that we are willing to follow Him, but do you understand what it will take? We learn what it will take to follow Jesus no matter what goes on in our lives.

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The Joy of the Lord Is My Strength

The Joy of the Lord Is My Strength

Having the joy of the Lord in our hearts can be very powerful in helping us go through trials and tribulations. In this sermon, we are reminded that we must look to God to help us get through problems. We also learn that in order to have joy, we must build a relationship with God.

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When Jesus Takes Control

When Jesus Takes Control

We need to learn how to let Jesus take control over our lives. In this sermon, we learn that Jesus is already in control of everything else.  Regardless of how bad things seem in our lives and in the world, God is in control. All we need to do is surrender to His son, Jesus, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us.

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We Must Rise

We Must Rise

In this sermon, we review His resurrection and we learn that we must learn how to rise above our circumstances.  We can learn from Jesus to not let something that seems tough from keeping us from fulfilling God’s Will and purpose for our lives.

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Get In Position and Line Up with Headship

Get In Position and Line Up with Headship

God is a God of order. In this sermon, we learn that – first and foremost – God is the head.  Then, we learn where other church leaders are in the chain of command. It’s also important that we understand that in order for us to be leaders of anything, it’s essential for us learn how to be good followers. 

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Jesus Is the Way

Jesus Is the Way

Jesus is the only way to eternal life. In this message, we learn that there is no other way to get to Heaven unless we go through God’s son, Jesus.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the light.

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It’s Time to Clean House

It’s Time to Clean House

There was a lot of sadness, despair, depression, and hopelessness that occurred during 2020. With that kind of atmosphere, it’s possible that we may’ve encountered evil spirit(s) that placed those spirits into us. However, with a new year upon us, it’s time for us to clean our “house” of evil spirits. In 2021, we need to start getting rid of the evil spirits in our lives.

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