We need to learn how to let Jesus take control over our lives. In this sermon, we learn that Jesus is already in control of everything else. Regardless of how bad things seem in our lives and in the world, God is in control. All we need to do is surrender to His son, Jesus, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us.
God's Will
We Must Rise
In this sermon, we review His resurrection and we learn that we must learn how to rise above our circumstances. We can learn from Jesus to not let something that seems tough from keeping us from fulfilling God’s Will and purpose for our lives.
God is Our Provider and Protector
We learn how God provides for us in our everyday lives, as well as, His methods of protection. We also learn that we must also trust God that He will provide for us and protect us at all times.
Get In Position and Line Up with Headship
God is a God of order. In this sermon, we learn that – first and foremost – God is the head. Then, we learn where other church leaders are in the chain of command. It’s also important that we understand that in order for us to be leaders of anything, it’s essential for us learn how to be good followers.
When You Pray, part 5: But, Deliver Us From the Evil One – Satan
Satan’s mission is to prey on those who are weak in the Spirit. In this final entry of a series breaking down the Lord’s Prayer, we learn more about who Satan is and how we can defeat him with God help. God’s power is immense and infinite. He has the power to deliver you from any of Satan’s attacks on your life. Just trust and believe in Him. He will work it out!
Tell the Lord ‘Thank You’, Part 2
In this follow up of a previous sermon, we’re show other examples in the Bible that mirror what’s been going on today. Also, we learn that just like God did in Biblical times, He will do it for us now. And because of all of those things and more, we ought to thank God no matter what.
Tell the Lord ‘Thank You’
Many horrible things happened in 2020. But, non of this is new to God. In this message for Watch Meeting 2020, we learn that regardless of all of this sickness, death, turmoil, hatred – God is still good. God will still take care of you. …and for that, we need to tell the Lord “thank you.”
When You Pray, part 3: Daily Bread
In this continuation of the “We You Pray” series, which deconstructs the Lord’s Prayer, we focus on verse 11. We learn how this verse really asks for God to use us to do His will and give his “daily bread.”
When You Pray, part 2: Thy Kingdom Come
In this follow up message in the When You Pray series, we get an understanding of what that line in the model prayer is about. Some of the things we learn are how to treat others as we live here on Earth, how difficult circumstances are used to empower us through Christ, and why it’s important to spread the Gospel.
How Big Is Your God? Or, Is Your God Too Small?
Many Christians walk around exclaiming that “their God is awesome” and that “they believe God can do anything.” But, how many of us really believe that God can do ANYTHING? There’s more to believing that God can work in our lives than just saying that we believe. We have to wholeheartedly believe that God can do anything. Anything, but fail. Take this challenge and try Him today.
Can You Hear Me Now?
Have you heard God's voice? Can you recognized God's voice? Can you tell the difference between His voice and God's voice? God's very unique voice is so special that His voice speaks directly into your spirit. In this message, we learn how to listen to God's voice...
The Mark of a Great Church
What makes a great church? Is it a nice large building? Is it how much money it raises, or how many members it has? As guest speaker for New St. James' 150th Anniversary, Rev. Chanson Newborn delivers a message that says that non of those things make a great church....
Faith. Faithful. Faithfulness.
Have you noticed that things aren't working out like you thought they were? Are you at a point in your life that things are so bad that you could just break down and cry? Life can be so tough and hard that it can make us lose hope and faith in God. But, we have to...
Laying Aside Every Weight
What's holding you back from praising God? Is there something in your life that's weighing you down that's keeping you from obeying God's Will? In this message, we learn why it's important to not let the things of this world keep us from following God. We must be...
God’s Pattern for a Christian Worker
(Devotional reading came from 1 Peter 4:1-11) How should we live as Christians? In this message, we look at the words of Paul who spells out the type of lifestyle a Christian to live. Paul compares the model Christian lifestyle to 3 occupations: solider, athlete, and...
The Hedge is Down
In the U.S., we've done everything we could to reverence God. But, now in the time of the pandemic, God is using the pandemic to let it's "hedge" of protection down to identify who is really on God's side. God gives us the choice to follow Him, but some of us have not...