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Just Ask Jesus

Just Ask Jesus

Christians should always remember to ask Jesus first before making a decision.  It’s also important to ask Jesus if there is something we need Him to do in our lives. In this sermon, we’re reminding why it’s important to have a prayer life.  We must always be praying and asking God to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us on the right path.

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Put On the Armor of God

Put On the Armor of God

Satan is on the attack.  We have to remember that we are in a spiritual war with him.  In this sermon, we are told how the enemy attacks and given tips and strategies on how to defend ourselves with the whole armor of God.

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Clear Your Mind

Clear Your Mind

In this sermon, we are encouraged and comforted that God has a plan and a purpose for us. Because of that, we can walk in His purpose for us in boldness and we don’t have to be afraid of what other’s think of us.  As long as you walk with God, you don’t have to fear anything or anyone.

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We Must Change Our Mindset

We Must Change Our Mindset

Are you frustrated with your life?  Do you feel like that God is not hearing you? There is a solution, but it requires you to change your mindset. In this sermon, we learn that it’s important for us to have our minds renewed. We also learn how we need to get our minds renewed so that we can be ready to receive what God has in store for us, as well as handle whatever challenges comes our way.

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Changing Protocol

Changing Protocol

Evangelist Stacie Smith delivered this message on to challenge us to step out of our comfort zones. Sometimes we get too wrapped up in doing things just because “that’s how they’re always done.” When we do that, it can hinder God from working in our lives, especially when it makes us feel “uncomfortable.” Change the protocol. Worship God for who He is.

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No One Knows What the Rest of the Year Holds

No One Knows What the Rest of the Year Holds

It’s okay for us to plan for the unknown, but in this sermon we learn that we must include God in our plans. Sometimes God’s Will can clash with our plans. We must be flexible and also consult with God about our plans and ask for His protection and grace.

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Nobody Like Him

Nobody Like Him

In this sermon, we learn about the love story between Christ and His followers. We learn that we must fall in love with Christ. We must desire to be around Him. Why? Because, there is nobody like Him.

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Unfailing Love

Unfailing Love

In this message, Evangelist Stacy Smith reminds us that God is able to fix whatever is broken in our lives. What we must do is let God in and and go to Him in times of trouble.

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A Wilderness Experience

A Wilderness Experience

In this sermon, we learn that – for the rest of our lives – God is going to test us. During these lessons, we need to go to God and ask Him to help us learn the lesson he’s giving us so that we can get out of the wilderness.

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Everybody Needs Love

Everybody Needs Love

In this sermon, we learn how important it is to express love. We also get an understanding of how to show Biblical, Christ-like love towards others.

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When Your World Falls Apart

When Your World Falls Apart

What do you do when you feel like your world is falling apart?  Do you begin complaining and worrying? In this sermon, we learn that in times like that we really need to turn to God. We learn some practical tips that we can use to strengthen our faith and trust in God.  We also learn about the spiritual power of prayer AND fasting and why it’s important to do them both together.

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God is Our Provider and Protector

God is Our Provider and Protector

We learn how God provides for us in our everyday lives, as well as, His methods of protection.  We also learn that we must also trust God that He will provide for us and protect us at all times.

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Get In Position and Line Up with Headship

Get In Position and Line Up with Headship

God is a God of order. In this sermon, we learn that – first and foremost – God is the head.  Then, we learn where other church leaders are in the chain of command. It’s also important that we understand that in order for us to be leaders of anything, it’s essential for us learn how to be good followers. 

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When You Pray, part 5: But, Deliver Us From the Evil One – Satan

When You Pray, part 5: But, Deliver Us From the Evil One – Satan

Satan’s mission is to prey on those who are weak in the Spirit. In this final entry of a series breaking down the Lord’s Prayer, we learn more about who Satan is and how we can defeat him with God help. God’s power is immense and infinite.  He has the power to deliver you from any of Satan’s attacks on your life.  Just trust and believe in Him.  He will work it out!

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Jesus Is the Way

Jesus Is the Way

Jesus is the only way to eternal life. In this message, we learn that there is no other way to get to Heaven unless we go through God’s son, Jesus.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the light.

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When You Pray, part 2:  Thy Kingdom Come

When You Pray, part 2: Thy Kingdom Come

In this follow up message in the When You Pray series, we get an understanding of what that line in the model prayer is about. Some of the things we learn are how to treat others as we live here on Earth, how difficult circumstances are used to empower us through Christ, and why it’s important to spread the Gospel.

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Unshakeable Faith

Unshakeable Faith

Now more than ever, we are reminded that we need to have faith. But, we need to go beyond just faith. We need to have unshakeable faith in God. Especially in these dark times, we need to continue to pray and praise God for who He is.

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When You Pray

When You Pray

How do you go to God in prayer? Do you pray for everyone, or do you ask God to give you what you want? As we learn in this sermon, there’s more to prayer than we think. We break down Jesus’ prayer in Matthew to learn how to properly go to God.

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Are You A Forgery?

Are You A Forgery?

When you’re told “don’t use the Lord’s name in vain,” we think it means don’t use swear words along with God’s name. But, did you know there’s more to it? Christians can use the Lord’s name in vain without cussing a day in their lives. In this sermon, we know what it truly means to be a Christian and understand how not to use God’s name in vain.

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A Test of Love

A Test of Love

God sometimes places us in a situation to test our Love. He’s done this several times in the Bible, such as with Abraham. He’s also done this with His only Son, Jesus. It is our responsibility to evaluate ourselves in those situations and make sure that we are acting in the God-like Love that He has instructed us to do.

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How Big Is Your God?  Or, Is Your God Too Small?

How Big Is Your God? Or, Is Your God Too Small?

Many Christians walk around exclaiming that “their God is awesome” and that “they believe God can do anything.” But, how many of us really believe that God can do ANYTHING? There’s more to believing that God can work in our lives than just saying that we believe. We have to wholeheartedly believe that God can do anything. Anything, but fail. Take this challenge and try Him today.

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