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Are You A Forgery?

Are You A Forgery?

When you’re told “don’t use the Lord’s name in vain,” we think it means don’t use swear words along with God’s name. But, did you know there’s more to it? Christians can use the Lord’s name in vain without cussing a day in their lives. In this sermon, we know what it truly means to be a Christian and understand how not to use God’s name in vain.

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A Test of Love

A Test of Love

God sometimes places us in a situation to test our Love. He’s done this several times in the Bible, such as with Abraham. He’s also done this with His only Son, Jesus. It is our responsibility to evaluate ourselves in those situations and make sure that we are acting in the God-like Love that He has instructed us to do.

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What Kind of Tree Are You?  Part 1

What Kind of Tree Are You? Part 1

What kind of a representative of Christ are you? Do the works that you do best represent Christ? As Christians, we are ambassadors of Christ, meaning we represent Him in everything that we do. There’s more to being a Christian than looking like a Christian. Listen to this message to learn how to be a better representation for Christ.

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How Big Is Your God?  Or, Is Your God Too Small?

How Big Is Your God? Or, Is Your God Too Small?

Many Christians walk around exclaiming that “their God is awesome” and that “they believe God can do anything.” But, how many of us really believe that God can do ANYTHING? There’s more to believing that God can work in our lives than just saying that we believe. We have to wholeheartedly believe that God can do anything. Anything, but fail. Take this challenge and try Him today.

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The Measure of a Man

The Measure of a Man

In this message, we learn that we need to look at people beyond their outward appearance. There’s more to people than what you see. We need to be like God and look at a person’s intentions. We need to look at their hearts.

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Battlefield of Life

Battlefield of Life

In this message, we learn that every day of our lives is a battle. Mostly, the battle that we face is a spiritual one. Therefore, the protection and weapons we need must also be spiritual. Why? Because, we are in war against spirits. We need to use these weapons to defend ourselves while working to get closer to God.

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High Expectations

High Expectations

God has a high expectation of us. There are three expectations God has for us. He expects us to be saved, obedient, and filled with the Holy Spirit. In this message, we learn that if we meet His expectations, He will bless us.

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Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now?

Have you heard God's voice? Can you recognized God's voice? Can you tell the difference between His voice and God's voice? God's very unique voice is so special that His voice speaks directly into your spirit. In this message, we learn how to listen to God's voice...

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Let Everything that Has Breath Praise the Lord

Let Everything that Has Breath Praise the Lord

Despite everything negative that's going on right now in our lives, we need to remember one important thing: God wants us to praise Him, no matter what happens. His Word says "let everything that has breath praise God." This doesn't mean that we praise Him when...

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Battle Ready:  Staying in Contact with Headquarters

Battle Ready: Staying in Contact with Headquarters

Do you have your spiritual armor on? Are you wearing the full armor of God? Did you know that nothing can separate you from God? God is always with us, no matter what is going on in our lives. But, we must do out part, too. We have to be sure that we have the whole...

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