3 Benefits of Jesus’ Resurrection
In this sermon, we learn that we learn that His resurrection came with 3 benefits. We learn that because of God’s sacrifice of His only Son, we can have our sins forgiven. This gives us a chance to eternal life.
What Do You Do When You’re Waiting On the Lord To Bring It To Pass?
What are we supposed to do when we’re waiting on the Lord to work on something marvelous in our lives? In this message, we learn what we are suppose to do while we wait on God to work in our lives.
When Jesus Takes Control
We need to learn how to let Jesus take control over our lives. In this sermon, we learn that Jesus is already in control of everything else. Regardless of how bad things seem in our lives and in the world, God is in control. All we need to do is surrender to His son, Jesus, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us.
Why Save the Best for Last? Try Jesus: Whatever He Tells You To Do, Just Do It.
Try Jesus, and whatever He tells you to do, just do it. In this sermon, we’re reminded that we shouldn’t put Jesus on the backburner. Jesus is able to do exceedingly; abundantly above all we could ever ask or think. We look at Jesus’ very first miracle for understand why Jesus is the best choice to fix our problems.
Firmly Rooted. Strong Roots. Good Fruit.
Are you like “the tree planted by the rivers of water” baring good fruit? In this sermon, we learn that we have to bare good fruit, the Fruits of the Spirit, regardless of what happens. We must also learn how to tap into the Holy Spirit for guidance and to help us to keep our good fruit in the midst of difficult situations.
We Must Rise
In this sermon, we review His resurrection and we learn that we must learn how to rise above our circumstances. We can learn from Jesus to not let something that seems tough from keeping us from fulfilling God’s Will and purpose for our lives.
When Your World Falls Apart
What do you do when you feel like your world is falling apart? Do you begin complaining and worrying? In this sermon, we learn that in times like that we really need to turn to God. We learn some practical tips that we can use to strengthen our faith and trust in God. We also learn about the spiritual power of prayer AND fasting and why it’s important to do them both together.
God is Our Provider and Protector
We learn how God provides for us in our everyday lives, as well as, His methods of protection. We also learn that we must also trust God that He will provide for us and protect us at all times.
What is Wrong with Our Young People?
In this sermon, we learn why its necessary for all of us, especially younger people, to listen to instruction from the wise. Many times, wise people are parents or people who are older than us. We need to pay attention to what advice they give us. Also, we learn that we should seek wisdom from God for how to navigate though our lives and to make good choices.
Get In Position and Line Up with Headship
God is a God of order. In this sermon, we learn that – first and foremost – God is the head. Then, we learn where other church leaders are in the chain of command. It’s also important that we understand that in order for us to be leaders of anything, it’s essential for us learn how to be good followers.
When You Pray, part 5: But, Deliver Us From the Evil One – Satan
Satan’s mission is to prey on those who are weak in the Spirit. In this final entry of a series breaking down the Lord’s Prayer, we learn more about who Satan is and how we can defeat him with God help. God’s power is immense and infinite. He has the power to deliver you from any of Satan’s attacks on your life. Just trust and believe in Him. He will work it out!
Jesus Is the Way
Jesus is the only way to eternal life. In this message, we learn that there is no other way to get to Heaven unless we go through God’s son, Jesus. Jesus is the way, the truth and the light.