When You Pray, part 3: Daily Bread

Delivered by Cortez Stegall
December 27, 2020
Home » sermons » When You Pray, part 3: Daily Bread
Sermon Series: When You Pray

Key Verses

Matthew 6:9-13

In this message, Rev. Stegall is using his multi part series on the Lord’s Prayer to focus on verse 11. In this part of the prayer, Jesus says “Give us this day our daily bread.”

We learn that this part of the model prayer is more than just simply asking God to supply all of our needs on a daily basis. We are also to be the givers to those who are less fortunate.

When God gives to us, many times what He’s doing is giving through us. As Christians, we are to take the things that God has blessed us with and use them to bless others; to give those who don’t have anything their “daily bread.”

Full Church Service

(Devotional reading came from Psalms 122:1-9. Click here for this day’s announcements.)

This is the FULL church service if you want to listen to it. It includes music solos, announcements, devotion, and prayers. If you want to just listen to the sermon, just click on the audio bar under “Listen”.

About the Minister

Cortez Stegall

Cortez Stegall

Cortez Stegall is the Senior Pastor at New St. James M. B. Church.
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