Battlefield of Life

Delivered by Kenneth Lofton
September 20, 2020
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Key Verses

Ephesians 6:10-13

Every day of our lives is a battle. Mostly, the battle that we face is a spiritual one. Therefore, the protection and weapons we need must also be spiritual.

Especially now, it’s important that we equip ourselves in this battle with the Holy Spirit, our weapon in this fight.

Another weapon we need to have in the spiritual fight is prayer. Prayer is very important in helping us stay battle ready. Just as important as being prayerful in battle, we must know how to pray.

We should be ready against the spiritual fight against Satan. It takes prayer. It takes reading our Bible regularly—our sword.


Because, we are in war against spirits. We need to use these weapons to defend ourselves while working to get closer to God.

We must put all of our trust in Jesus Christ.

Full Church Service

(Devotional reading came from Psalms 139:1-14)

This is the FULL church service if you want to listen to it. It includes music solos, announcements, devotion, and prayers. If you want to just listen to the sermon, just click on the audio bar under “Listen”.

About the Minister

Kenneth Lofton

Kenneth Lofton

Rev. Kenneth Lofton, Sr. is the associate pastor at New St. James.
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New St. James M. B. Church
Kenneth Lofton