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Knowing the Creator

Knowing the Creator

God is the creator of all things and He has everything that you need. In this sermon, we are reminded of God’s power and His intended uses of His creations.

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What’s Your Excuse?

What’s Your Excuse?

In this sermon, we’re encouraged to invite others to get ready for Jesus’ feast. We’re also encouraged to reach out to the less fortunate and help them prepare for the party, and to do the things that are necessary for us to be prepared for the party.

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Walking in Integrity

Walking in Integrity

In this sermon, we are challenged to allow our faith in God to convict us and to bring about a change in our lives. We are also reminded that God gives us a chance to do better in our lives.

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Are You Ready to Die?

Are You Ready to Die?

In this sermon, we discuss death and how the Bible addresses those questions.  We’re also reminded what the purpose of Hell is and how we can avoid it by believing in Jesus as our one and true savior.

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What To Do While Waiting On The Lord

What To Do While Waiting On The Lord

In this sermon, we are focusing on the story of Jesus being tempted by Satan following His baptism.  Jesus used his faith and patience to defeat the enemy.  We are reminded to do the same.  We must be patient and wait on the Lord to work in our lives.

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Just Ask Jesus

Just Ask Jesus

Christians should always remember to ask Jesus first before making a decision.  It’s also important to ask Jesus if there is something we need Him to do in our lives. In this sermon, we’re reminding why it’s important to have a prayer life.  We must always be praying and asking God to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us on the right path.

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Put On the Armor of God

Put On the Armor of God

Satan is on the attack.  We have to remember that we are in a spiritual war with him.  In this sermon, we are told how the enemy attacks and given tips and strategies on how to defend ourselves with the whole armor of God.

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Clear Your Mind

Clear Your Mind

In this sermon, we are encouraged and comforted that God has a plan and a purpose for us. Because of that, we can walk in His purpose for us in boldness and we don’t have to be afraid of what other’s think of us.  As long as you walk with God, you don’t have to fear anything or anyone.

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We Must Change Our Mindset

We Must Change Our Mindset

Are you frustrated with your life?  Do you feel like that God is not hearing you? There is a solution, but it requires you to change your mindset. In this sermon, we learn that it’s important for us to have our minds renewed. We also learn how we need to get our minds renewed so that we can be ready to receive what God has in store for us, as well as handle whatever challenges comes our way.

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Writing Your Story

Writing Your Story

This is a new year, meaning a new opportunity to follow the path that God has set out for us.  However, last year might have been filled with turmoil and pain for you. In this sermon, we learn that God has written a story for you.  All you have to do is to stay close to him and stay on the path that he has set out for you. 

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Did You Miss Christmas?

Did You Miss Christmas?

Christmas time is when many of us give gifts to our loved ones. But, sometimes Christians can get so wrapped up in the secular celebration that they forget to give Christ something. In this sermon, we are reminded of the true reason for the season.

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Torn and Broken, but Not Defeated

Torn and Broken, but Not Defeated

In this sermon, we are reassured that even after we go through a painful moment in our lives, it’s not the end. It may leave us feeling defeated and broken, but it is not the end. We are not defeated.

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Left Behind Too Late

Left Behind Too Late

Instead of worrying about obtaining riches and satisfaction on earth, we must work on preparing our souls for His return. We must seek salvation so when Jesus comes back, we can meet Him in the air.

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The Importance of Praise

The Importance of Praise

Do not underestimate the power of praising and worshiping God. In this sermon. we are reminded why we need to praise and worship God, no matter what is going on in our lives.

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Let’s Go Fishing

Let’s Go Fishing

God has called on everyone, not just preachers, to be a “fisher of men”. It is a Christian’s responsibility to share the Gospel and win more souls to Christ.

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