What will you give in exchange for your soul? What are you investing in? Are you investing your wealth into the things of this world to get an advantage? Or, are you investing in things that are spiritual that can further the ministry of Jesus Christ? When our time is...
Cortez Stegall
When Your Faith Goes South
Abraham is a wonderful role model to look at when we reach a point in our lives that we feel that our faith to go south... to dwindle and disappear. We have to learn how to walk by faith and believe that God has us, no matter how bad things get in our lives. He'll...
Laying Aside Every Weight
What's holding you back from praising God? Is there something in your life that's weighing you down that's keeping you from obeying God's Will? In this message, we learn why it's important to not let the things of this world keep us from following God. We must be...
God’s Pattern for a Christian Worker
(Devotional reading came from 1 Peter 4:1-11) How should we live as Christians? In this message, we look at the words of Paul who spells out the type of lifestyle a Christian to live. Paul compares the model Christian lifestyle to 3 occupations: solider, athlete, and...
The Hedge is Down
In the U.S., we've done everything we could to reverence God. But, now in the time of the pandemic, God is using the pandemic to let it's "hedge" of protection down to identify who is really on God's side. God gives us the choice to follow Him, but some of us have not...
One Day at a Time
(Devotional reading came from Psalms 100:1-7) How often do you ask God about what moves you should take or what direction you should go? If you ask Him what you should do with your life, then that's great. But, many of us will question His perfect will by being...
Old People
(Devotional Reading came from Psalms 34:11-18) When we're young, we feel like we're invincible. We feel like we can do just about anything we want without any consequences. However, King Solomon says in Ecclesiastes that our youthful times is when we should actually...
A Spiritual Transformation
(Devotional reading came from Psalms 62) Christians are a new breed. When we become Christians we become something brand new. That's because we've accepted Christ to come into our lives to change us and to change the world around us. But, God will not force us to...
Worthy to be Called ‘Mother’
(Devotional reading came from 3 John 3-6) This is a special message for Mother's Day, because there's something about a mother. In this message, we look at the mother in Canaan who was determined to do save her child by any means. Those means were to cry out to the...
Who Is Our Neighbor?
When you hear the word "neighbor", what do you think of? Are you thinking of the people who live next door to you in your neighborhood? Actually, scripture tells us that our "neighbors" are the people we interact with everyday---from our co-workers at our job, to the...
Shelter from a Storm
(Devotional reading came from Isaiah 10:1-4) Where do you go in times of trouble? When things get rough in our lives, we try to seek a safe place to recover. This safe place is a place of refuge. In this message, we learn that as Christians, we have a safe place...
Why Would A Good God Allow Suffering?
Why do bad things happen to good people? Why is God allowing this coronavirus pandemic to cause so many people to loose their jobs, become sick, pass away, or more? In this message, we're shown that God uses sufferings to bring us closer to Him, as He did with Job....
At the Foot of the Cross
This is a message for Resurrection Sunday.
God is at Work
Despite what's going on with the coronavirus pandemic, God is at work to take care of us.