What do you do when you feel like your world is falling apart? Do you begin complaining and worrying? In this sermon, we learn that in times like that we really need to turn to God. We learn some practical tips that we can use to strengthen our faith and trust in God. We also learn about the spiritual power of prayer AND fasting and why it’s important to do them both together.
Cortez Stegall
What is Wrong with Our Young People?
In this sermon, we learn why its necessary for all of us, especially younger people, to listen to instruction from the wise. Many times, wise people are parents or people who are older than us. We need to pay attention to what advice they give us. Also, we learn that we should seek wisdom from God for how to navigate though our lives and to make good choices.
When You Pray, part 5: But, Deliver Us From the Evil One – Satan
Satan’s mission is to prey on those who are weak in the Spirit. In this final entry of a series breaking down the Lord’s Prayer, we learn more about who Satan is and how we can defeat him with God help. God’s power is immense and infinite. He has the power to deliver you from any of Satan’s attacks on your life. Just trust and believe in Him. He will work it out!
When You Pray, Part 4: As We Forgive Our Debtors
In this series looking at the Lord’s Prayer, we focus on Matthew 6:12. In that part of the prayer we ask God to forgive us of our “debts.” But also, we learn that we need to be like God and forgive others as well. We learn about the power of forgiveness and why it’s important for Christians to ask for forgiveness, while being willing to forgive others.
It’s Time to Clean House
There was a lot of sadness, despair, depression, and hopelessness that occurred during 2020. With that kind of atmosphere, it’s possible that we may’ve encountered evil spirit(s) that placed those spirits into us. However, with a new year upon us, it’s time for us to clean our “house” of evil spirits. In 2021, we need to start getting rid of the evil spirits in our lives.
When You Pray, part 3: Daily Bread
In this continuation of the “We You Pray” series, which deconstructs the Lord’s Prayer, we focus on verse 11. We learn how this verse really asks for God to use us to do His will and give his “daily bread.”
Don’t Miss Christmas
What’s your focus on Christmas? Don’t miss the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus was born on this day to become our Savior. So, don’t get wrapped up in worldly things on Christmas day. Don’t miss Christmas!
When You Pray, part 2: Thy Kingdom Come
In this follow up message in the When You Pray series, we get an understanding of what that line in the model prayer is about. Some of the things we learn are how to treat others as we live here on Earth, how difficult circumstances are used to empower us through Christ, and why it’s important to spread the Gospel.
When You Pray
How do you go to God in prayer? Do you pray for everyone, or do you ask God to give you what you want? As we learn in this sermon, there’s more to prayer than we think. We break down Jesus’ prayer in Matthew to learn how to properly go to God.
Living Before God, Our Father
Holiness doesn’t depend on how “good” we are. It depends on our relationship with Jesus Christ and how we live.
Are You A Forgery?
When you’re told “don’t use the Lord’s name in vain,” we think it means don’t use swear words along with God’s name. But, did you know there’s more to it? Christians can use the Lord’s name in vain without cussing a day in their lives. In this sermon, we know what it truly means to be a Christian and understand how not to use God’s name in vain.
How Big Is Your God? Or, Is Your God Too Small?
Many Christians walk around exclaiming that “their God is awesome” and that “they believe God can do anything.” But, how many of us really believe that God can do ANYTHING? There’s more to believing that God can work in our lives than just saying that we believe. We have to wholeheartedly believe that God can do anything. Anything, but fail. Take this challenge and try Him today.
The Measure of a Man
In this message, we learn that we need to look at people beyond their outward appearance. There’s more to people than what you see. We need to be like God and look at a person’s intentions. We need to look at their hearts.
Can You Hear Me Now?
Have you heard God's voice? Can you recognized God's voice? Can you tell the difference between His voice and God's voice? God's very unique voice is so special that His voice speaks directly into your spirit. In this message, we learn how to listen to God's voice...
Battle Ready: Staying in Contact with Headquarters
Do you have your spiritual armor on? Are you wearing the full armor of God? Did you know that nothing can separate you from God? God is always with us, no matter what is going on in our lives. But, we must do out part, too. We have to be sure that we have the whole...