It’s okay for us to plan for the unknown, but in this sermon we learn that we must include God in our plans. Sometimes God’s Will can clash with our plans. We must be flexible and also consult with God about our plans and ask for His protection and grace.
Cortez Stegall
Religious, but Lost
Do you have doubts about your salvation? In this sermon, we learn why it is not enough. We must always be on guard against Satan’s attacks by staying connected to God, His Word, and the Holy Spirit. We also must be willing to help those who are “the least among us.”
A Wilderness Experience
In this sermon, we learn that – for the rest of our lives – God is going to test us. During these lessons, we need to go to God and ask Him to help us learn the lesson he’s giving us so that we can get out of the wilderness.
Spiritual Blind Spots
Have you checked your "spiritual blind spots?" These are areas in our life that can make it very easy for Satan to attack us if we aren't prepared for it. In this sermon, we learn why it's important for us to check our blind spots and how we can be better prepared for...
Where Are the Nine?
Don't take Jesus for granted. In this sermon, we look at the story of Jesus who healed 10 men with leprosy, but only one came back to Jesus and thanked Him. When we sin, our souls can get dirty. But, Jesus steps in to clean us of our sins. However, sometimes we take...
Are You Bilding on a Strong Foundation?
The Bible is God's instruction manual for our lives. It's important that we study and follow God's Word; God's instruction manual. In this sermon, we learn why it's important to study the Bible. We also learn some tips for how to study the Bible.
Spiritual Drifting
We have a generation of youth growing up not knowing God. Why? This pandemic has made it easier to drift away from God. That’s dangerous. In this sermon, we learn why it’s important to stay connected to God.
A Fugitive Running from God
Do you hear a call from God and you are unsure? Are you concerned that you don’t have the tools to accomplish what God has called on you to do? In this sermon, we learned that God has a calling on all of us. He has also prepared us to do whatever it is we are called to do (it’s not always to preach).
Who’s Been Pouring Into You?
In this special mother’s day massage, we learn how to identify a Christ-like mother. We also learn why it’s important to have the right people feeding into our lives; guiding us into making the right decisions.
How God Shows Up When We Step Up
In this sermon, we learn, through the story of Mordecai, that God has called us to do things for Him. But it’s up to us to trust Him and do what He says.
Count the Cost, and Pay the Price
Do you know what it cost you to follow Christ? In this sermon, we learn why it’s important to follow Jesus. But, doing so won’t be easy. We say that we are willing to follow Him, but do you understand what it will take? We learn what it will take to follow Jesus no matter what goes on in our lives.
Paint Specs. Dirty Glasses.
Everyone sins; no matter how big or small. This is why God sent His son down and sacrificed Him for us. But, how much does we sin? In this sermon we learn how much we sin. We also understand why it was necessary for God to sacrifice Jesus because of how often we sin.
3 Benefits of Jesus’ Resurrection
In this sermon, we learn that we learn that His resurrection came with 3 benefits. We learn that because of God’s sacrifice of His only Son, we can have our sins forgiven. This gives us a chance to eternal life.
What Do You Do When You’re Waiting On the Lord To Bring It To Pass?
What are we supposed to do when we’re waiting on the Lord to work on something marvelous in our lives? In this message, we learn what we are suppose to do while we wait on God to work in our lives.
Firmly Rooted. Strong Roots. Good Fruit.
Are you like “the tree planted by the rivers of water” baring good fruit? In this sermon, we learn that we have to bare good fruit, the Fruits of the Spirit, regardless of what happens. We must also learn how to tap into the Holy Spirit for guidance and to help us to keep our good fruit in the midst of difficult situations.