Do you have a disagreement with someone? In this sermon, we are reminded how to treat each other, even if we are mad at them.
Cortez Stegall
What’s Your Excuse?
In this sermon, we’re encouraged to invite others to get ready for Jesus’ feast. We’re also encouraged to reach out to the less fortunate and help them prepare for the party, and to do the things that are necessary for us to be prepared for the party.
Walking in Integrity
In this sermon, we are challenged to allow our faith in God to convict us and to bring about a change in our lives. We are also reminded that God gives us a chance to do better in our lives.
Are You Ready to Die?
In this sermon, we discuss death and how the Bible addresses those questions. We’re also reminded what the purpose of Hell is and how we can avoid it by believing in Jesus as our one and true savior.
Are the Ten Commandments repeated in the New Testament?
Nine of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:1–17 are repeated in the New Testament numerous times in different ways. For example, in giving a summary of our moral responsibilities to one another, Jesus repeats four of the Ten Commandments to the young ruler...
Writing Your Story, Part 3: Walking in Integrity, A Wise Wife
In this continuation of the Write Your Story series, we learn why it’s important that we walk in integrity. We all must remember that one day people will look at the actions that we’ve done in our lives and it will make up our life story.
Writing Your Story, Part 2: ‘The Integrity of a Faithful Man’
In this sermon, we are encouraged and comforted that God has a plan and a purpose for us. Because of that, we can walk in His purpose for us in boldness and we don’t have to be afraid of what other’s think of us. As long as you walk with God, you don’t have to fear anything or anyone.
Writing Your Story
This is a new year, meaning a new opportunity to follow the path that God has set out for us. However, last year might have been filled with turmoil and pain for you. In this sermon, we learn that God has written a story for you. All you have to do is to stay close to him and stay on the path that he has set out for you.
Did You Miss Christmas?
Christmas time is when many of us give gifts to our loved ones. But, sometimes Christians can get so wrapped up in the secular celebration that they forget to give Christ something. In this sermon, we are reminded of the true reason for the season.
Whom the Lord Calls, He Equips
In this sermon, we learn that when God places something on our hearts to do, He will give us all of the tools we need to do what we’ve been called to do.
Left Behind Too Late
Instead of worrying about obtaining riches and satisfaction on earth, we must work on preparing our souls for His return. We must seek salvation so when Jesus comes back, we can meet Him in the air.
How Can We Walk Upright in the World Today?
Are you walking in Christ even though no one is watching you? We need to make sure that we are walking in wisdom and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us. In this message, we learn that we must walk in Christ at all times to honor God.
I’ve Been Camping at the Gates of Sodom
Have you ever wondered why saved people still suffer the consequences of their sins? Accepting Christ doesn’t make us immune to sin or the consequences of engaging in it.
Let’s Go Fishing
God has called on everyone, not just preachers, to be a “fisher of men”. It is a Christian’s responsibility to share the Gospel and win more souls to Christ.
Walking the Tightrope of Christian Living
Just because we can do something, doesn’t mean we should. We do have Christian liberties to do just about anything we want. But, even though we can we must first go to God to see if it pleases Him.